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Anand and Anand is a leading full-service Intellectual Property law firm, providing end-to-end legal solutions across all facets of Intellectual Property and allied areas.

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Showing 955-963 of 994
Thought Leadership
February 12, 2013

Outsourcing and Data Security

One of the biggest concerns of an entity outsourcing work to India is data security. Not just billions of dollars, but security breaches can also cost

Thought Leadership
January 31, 2013

Copyright Amendments and its Impact on Core Transactions in the Entertainment Industry

Rahul Ajatshatru looks at how the Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012 brings changes to business in copyright, particularly with the advent of the internet.

Thought Leadership
January 17, 2013

India’s Copyright Law Extended to Technology

Before amendment of the Indian Copyright Act in 2012, software was the only technology governed by the law. However, keeping abreast with global technological

Thought Leadership
January 14, 2013

Comparative Advertisements: The Legal Pitfalls

A look at comparative and parody advertisements in India and an analysis of the uncharted common law for comparative advertisements. Comparative Advertisements

Thought Leadership
January 6, 2013

Welcoming in the New Royalty Regime

The Copyright Amendment Act 2012 makes the most significant changes to Indian copyright law and marks a fundamental shift in copyright legislation since

News & Updates
December 19, 2012

Designers get IPR savvy

Safir Anand speaks to Times of India about fashion designers realising the importance of protecting their creations. Not just protecting exclusivity

Thought Leadership
December 4, 2012

Adventures of Mr. IP

Mr. Inder “IP” Prakash may not look a superhero, and well he isn’t one – or is he. Known to his friends as ‘IP’, our more-than-a-little-portly

Thought Leadership
November 28, 2012

Framing the Debate: What is the Scope of Liability?

Can a website host be held liable for hosting a frame or providing a link that infringes the rights of a third party? The crime scene: a murder has taken

Thought Leadership
October 22, 2012

IP Monetisation in India: Exploring the Options

With an ever-growing appetite among its new consumers, India offers exciting IP portfolio opportunities that may yield income directly or drive the wealth

Showing 955-963 of 994