With immense pride and delight, we share that Anand and Anand was awarded Trademark Firm of the Year-Global IP Award 2020 at a gala dinner held at London on 30th January. The Global IP Awards, presented by IAM – Informing IP value and World Trademark Review, recognise the outstanding achievements of IP law and attorney firms across the globe in trademark litigation, prosecution and transactional work during 2019.
The Global IP Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of IP law and attorney firms in litigation, prosecution and transactional work during 2019. In total, 113 awards were awarded to firms from across the globe, highlighting the depth and spread of IP expertise available to corporate IP teams the world over.
We extend our gratitude to each one of our stakeholders and clients whose phenomenal support and unflinching trust have earned us several such coveted laurels and promise to only push the envelope of excellence in all our undertakings.
Read more at: https://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/brand-management/global-ip-awards-2020-winners-revealed-celebration-of-ip-excellence