Safir Anand lends his views on the perception of intellectual property protection in the fashion industry in Delhi Times.
Read the article on Times of India.
most of the problems that the fashion fraternity faces is the result of lack of awareness.
many designers are under the illusion that design registration is an expensive and time-consuming process. So, many of them who are unsure of the commercial success of their show/product, shy away from patenting their designs, which has to be done before they are showcased. But the fact is that patenting is not a difficult process. Not only is it easy, but the process is also a quick one and gives substantial advantage to designers, both in terms of enforcement of rights (through infringement of designs) and even in evaluating the monetary value of the designs for raising capital or in claiming damages.
Safir Anand has been invited by the Fashion Design Council of India to its Board of Directors to “help members solve copyright issues”.
Business World had reported how better awareness of their rights will help designers better protect their rights.