Furthering deliberations and providing key insights as an IP and technology license expert, Dr Neeti Wilson was a resource person in the Regional Workshop on New Paradigm in Technology Transfer and Commercialisation. The Workshop, bringing together international and national experts to deliberate on key challenges, opportunities, strategies and best practices that are critical for technology transfer and commercialization was held on 8 to 10 July, 2019 by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Human Resource, Development Centre (HRDC).
Dr Neeti Wilson spoke on two topics – “IPR concerns in Collaborative Research and Technology Transfer” and “Technology License Agreement – Crucial parameters”.
The programme comprised of international resource persons to deliberate on emerging perspectives of (a) technology transfer and commercialization models and practices; (b) internationalization of technology-based start-ups and enterprises; (c) technology business incubation; (d) intellectual property management and technology licensing; and (e) cross-border technology transfer and partnerships.
We are hopeful that workshops such as these targeting Indian Scientists would benefit the national innovative system.