Pravin Anand and Siddhant Chamola assess trends in India’s IP policy, especially in light of the National IPR Policy which hopes to create awareness in the populace about the importance of IPR.
In 2013, the U.S.A. had classified India on its priority watch list due to an allegedly weak IPR regime. This triggered a chain reaction which radicalized the Indian political climate. The next elected government initiated campaigns such as Digital India, Make In India, in addition to the National IPR policy, suggesting significant changes.
The recent activism of the judiciary along with the increased vigor of the executive is bound to create an environment in which both innovator companies as well as domestic industries can thrive together through innovation and awareness. But, in the Decade of Innovation, are India’s recent initiatives in Intellectual Property construed as biased in favor of its domestic industry? This article attempts to answer.
This article was published in Asian Legal Business October 2015.