Anand and Anand is a leading full-service Intellectual Property law firm, providing end-to-end legal solutions across all facets of Intellectual Property and allied areas.
Global recognition for Anand and Anand’s practice for Luxury brands
It is a luxurious feeling to share that Anand and Anand has won the very prestigious Luxury law Award 2022 for ‘Luxury Law Firm of the Year – Independent
By Tusha Malhotra and Yamini Jaswal The article was originally published in Asia Business Law Journal Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has wrecked the lives
Attempt to misappropriate ‘SHOLAY’ watered down by Delhi HC
‘Sholay’ is title of an iconic film, cannot be held devoid of protection, says Delhi HC; restrains US based Co., others from misappropriating “SHOLAY”,
Russia-Ukraine crisis influences Indian pharma industry
Writing for Asia Business Law Journal, Managing Associate Dr Sachin Malik tries to decipher what this ongoing conflict means for the Indian Pharmaceutical
Medtech is prospering amid the pandemic. But thorny questions arise over advertising medical equipment and devices in India, where the government is understandably
Evolution of CIOs and Tech Revolution at Law Firms: Thomson Reuters interviews Subroto Panda
Anand and Anand has stayed on top of recent disruptions with its ever evolving tech might. Understanding the role of CIOs in law firms in 21st century,