Copious advice has been dispensed for a while on how the ‘real world’ is different from what our educational institutes prepare us for. Rajiv Maheshwari sheds light on our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
Much advice on how a professional working environment, especially about team-work, positive attitude, hard work, passion, purpose, continues to be extremely relevant and all the above attributes are critical to success as one moves into the real world. But we are living in a world that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA). A significant portion of what we are trained to do is being done more efficiently and more reliably by machines. The frenetic pace of change has caused a dramatic shift in the nature of the workforce the world needs.
At the same time, the educational system has not done course corrections on quite the same magnitude. The system continues to be rooted in the era of Industrial Revolution, preparing human armies to live in a mechanised world. To make matters worse, the mind-numbing competition in a country like ours, dulls the innate curiosity and mental faculties that distinguish us from our Darwinian ancestors.
The Legal Apprentice Challenge provides an insight into how creativity is becoming a mainstream requirement, with thousands of students identifying and tagging media that demonstrates a point of law!
This article was published on Careers360.
Anand and Anand is the Knowledge Partner for the The Legal Apprentice Challenge, organised by Careers360.