We are glad to announce that the Western India practice of Anand and Anand and the Mumbai-based firm Naik Naik & Co. have joined hands to form ‘Anand and Naik’
Led by Pravin Anand, Safir Anand and Ameet Naik, ‘Anand and Naik’ promises to transform the commercial-legal landscape in areas like corporate commercial litigation, international commercial arbitration, corporate transactional practice with a strong focus on media and entertainment, films, television, social media, e-commerce, sports and gaming, fantasy sports etc besides exploring emerging areas like OTT, broadcasting, digital media, Internet, convergence and tech-based hybrid areas like FinTech, EdTech, AgriTech and HealthTech.
Anand and Anand will retain its name in all other locations.
Read full coverage here.