Envisaging the efforts for “consuming with care” marked by the celebrations of World Environment Day 2015, the firm embraced the theme of Reducing Consumption, Recycling Waste and Rebuilding the Environment.
Reducing consumption: 20-20 Power Down: Inspired from the popular Indian cricket league, the firm observed two power downs for 20 minutes, highlighting just how much energy is consumed every minute. This was in coherence with the ongoing initiatives under the aegis of Project “AWESUM” launched in July 2014 with the objective of Achieving Waste Elimination through Standardisation and Utilisation of 5 M’s (Manpower, Mind, Material, Machine and Money).
Recycling Waste: In accord with the saying “Charity begins at home” the firm concentrated on in-house Projects i.e. Green desire and “Less Paper | Paper Less Initiative” to reduce paperwork at the workplace, followed by used paper that was provided to an NGO for paper artwork. The artworks produced by the underprivileged in the community from the recyclable paper (generated by our organization) were exhibited as a part of WED 2015 celebrations.
Rebuilding the Environment: Individuals contributing their bit to the environment shared their experiences, large and small, and insights to enthuse others. We planted saplings and pledged to making any particular change in everyday life that will minimize consumption and serve efforts globally.