Dr. Neeti Wilson
Dr. Wilson specializes in intellectual property management and protection with customized planning as per client’s business needs and IP monetization-related strategic advice besides other IP areas including licensing, management, opposition, revocation and infringement.
Dr. Wilson is a lawyer with a Ph.D in applied sciences making her an expert in handling technical as well legal issues effectively. She appears before various legal authorities including Indian Patents, Designs and Trademark Office, Plant Variety Authority, National Biodiversity Authority, Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) and Judicial Courts in India.
Dr. Wilson is an active member of various international organizations and is Executive Committee Member of the India chapter of APAA and also India representative of its Emerging IP Rights Committee.
Dr. Wilson has been selected as UN Consultant for developing training Manual for Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer Licensing with ESCAP-APCTT. She was a member of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Committee for Developing Guidelines for IP Management and Commercialization of Technologies.
Dr. Wilson regularly attends national and international conferences and is keen on spreading awareness related to IPM, Licensing and Biological Resources.
- Recommended Individual IAM Strategy 300 (2019)
- Recommended Individual IAM Patent 1000 (2019)
- Asia IP expert (2016)
- Board Member of Zonal Technology Management and Business Planning and Development (ZTMBPD) Unit, IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute)
- APAA – Asian Patent Attorneys Association
- AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
- DHCBA – Delhi High Court Bar Association
- FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
- IBA – International Bar Association
- ISCA – Indian Science Congress Association
- LES International – Licensing Executives Society
- International Workshop on IP Management and Technology Licensing; Bangkok; June 2019; Resource Person as UN Consultant
- Global IP Convention; Bengaluru; January 2019; Session Speaker: Recent Monsanto judgment by the Indian Supreme Court
- National Biodiversity Authority Committee Meeting; Chennai; December 2018; Stakeholder representation