IP Conclave and IPTSE Awards 2.0, a joint initiative by ASSOCHAM and Ericsson, with its theme, “Nurturing the Next Generation of Innovators through IP”, was held on 19th August.
Our Senior Partner, Safir Anand, who Co-Chairs the ASSOCHAM IPR Council, was invited to share his pearls of wisdom with the new fraternity of innovators, and give a vote of thanks to the participants.
Speaking of the vast scope of Intellectual Property, Safir stated, “The world has gone through industrial, agricultural, Dot com and internet revolution and is gearing up for the biggest intellectual property revolution. This is reflected in a shift of the wealth of the world towards intangibles. IP will catapult even startups to create huge differentiation. A time will come when instead of per capita income, per capita IP will be measured”.
The event had Shri O. P. Gupta, Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, as Chief Guest; and Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation officer, Ministry of Education as Guest of Honour.
Among other eminent speakers were Dr Sheetal Chopra, Chair- ASSOCHAM IPR Council & GM-IPR Policy, Ericsson; Mr. A.K. Mittal, Advisor, TSDSI; Ms. Monica Magnusson, Vice President – IPR, Ericsson.