Safir Anand shares his views on “Technology: friend or foe? Leading trademark practitioners look to the future” – a compelling read by the World Trademark Review. The article has takeaways from leading brand professionals sharing their expectations from technology and how it will impact trademark practices in the future vis-à-vis the future of lawyers, and the implications of disruptive technology such as Artificial Intelligence.
Safir Anand makes a prediction about the transition in the role of a lawyer to that of a business strategist, an IP portfolio manager, a watchdog, an embracer of technology and an enhancer of value. He further shares his thoughts on developments that have a number of implications for the role of trademark lawyers.
Safir Anand says: “I predict that there will be a transition in the role of a lawyer to a business strategist, an IP portfolio manager, a watchdog, an embrace of technology and an enhancer of value. I believe that every matter – from pleadings to arguments, searches and agreements – will be highly interconnected with valuation, corporate governance, ethics, good practices, flexibility and endurance. Thus, lawyers will have to juggle aggression, defence and mediation to offer clients successful IP protection.”