Saif Khan and Shobhit Agrawal reflect on the interaction of IP laws with criminal legislation, and the anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy jurisprudence evolving in favour of rights holders.
The authors discuss in detail some of the more effective anti-counterfeiting strategies and enforcement options, physical and digital, that rights holders can action to mitigate the risk of piracy and minimise the loss of revenue caused it.
Counterfeiting is increasingly gaining the attention of government agencies as a serious threat of national importance. The government took major steps by formulating a national IP rights policy and establishing a dedicated Cell for IP rights Promotion and Management (CIPAM). Also of note also are efforts towards combating online counterfeiting, which have seen the creation of cybercrime cells to investigate and prosecute offenders.
This chapter was published in World Trademark Review Anti-Counterfeiting Guide 2017.
Read about CIPAM’s impetus to spread IP awareness amongst children and build practical know-how of IP laws in customs and law and order agencies to identify counterfeit goods.