The brand Anand and Anand retains its old promise but has donned a fresh look that has a modern appeal and a new zest and exudes vibrancy.
What prompts a law firm, even a well-known one, to change its brand or logo. It is the same motive that drives the entrepreneurs and optimists of the world to seek newer challenges, pursue tougher goals and achieve greater excellence.
In a world of 3D printing, nanotechnology and robotics, brands must reflect the universality and diversity, the speed and effervescence with which the internet, telecom technology and social media are dissolving boundaries. In the teeth of change it is a challenge to maintain stability and time honoured values yet reflect speed and sophistication that a modern intellectual property practice demands.
We set out to achieve the rebranding exercise by undertaking a brainstorming exercise involving all our professionals. The group emerged with a consensus for the vision for our brand in the future, while restating our core values as a firm. The creative energy of our professionals, at its peak while dealing with complex legal matters, is now reflected in our new logo and the dynamic content of the website.